

Friday, December 24, 2010

Latest Handset to Receive Gingerbread is Not a Native Android Device

This is another an innovation in the field of telecommunication that upcoming handsets have the facility of Gingerbread, we have saw Galaxy S and Nexus One with Gingerbread now upcoming HTC, HD2 seen with Gingerbread. For those who wanted to buy upcoming handsets can get the facilities like

  • 3G
  • Audio
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • 720p Playback
  • Phone

Nexus One Getting Gingerbread In Upcoming Weaks

I just got news that Nexus One getting Official Gingerbread cookies in upcoming weeks.

This announcement was given on twitter by @googlenexus, Nexus One has already recieved some features of Gingerbread Now look who introduced full fledge Gingerbread on Nexus One.

Another Chance for Registration

This is For those who are missing the beta registration for Swype now visit and register their beta program. They haveopened this for limited time offer so hurry and register now!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Special Features Of the Update Of Motorola Droid Pro

Recently I have posted on the that how to update Droid Pro, Now these are the features of the newly update of Motorola Droid Pro,

  • Improved audio on voice calls
  • improved performance with fast speed
  • The User Interface will refresh when user switched GSM/UMTS communication to Global Mode.
  • The Device prepends 011 country code to send text massage.
  • Global Mode will not reset while connecting to USB.
  • Upgrade Bluetooth firmware.
  • Reduces user-interface lock-ups.
  • Upgraded Google Apps released 7.
  • Device string formate includes device name and version number.
And Many more faetures which become too long to discuss but it improved the whole Droid Pro.

Update Your Motorola Droid Pro

Update is ready for your Motorola Droid Pro, I have seen a way to update your Motorola manually, Update it by following the instructions,

  • Go to MENU (from home screen navigation) to SETTINGS and then ABOUT PHONE and then SYSTEM UPDATES and download it manually.
NOTE: You will lose root once you update it but it is again rooted with z4root.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

PlayStation App For iPhone And Androids

Sony has announced that it is launching new PlayStation App for iPhone and Androids smartphones, the iPhone users need at least iOS 4 and Android smartphone users need Android OS 1.6. The App includes the features like,

  • Check your PlayStation games trophies and also check your friend s and your online gaming status.
  • Updates you from the news of PSP, PlayStation3 and PlayStation2.
  • Allows you to read announcement form Playstation.Blog
  • Also allows you to share the new products and your status to friend on Facebook, Twitter, and via e-mail.
The App is available in the following countries UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and The Netherlands, But the new version support many SCEE countries.

via Codroid
For more info visit Playstation.Blog

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dell is selling Streak Android 2.2 in US

Dell has began selling its Streak along with an OS upgrade. The upgrade gives it universal multi-touch zooming, Flash, USB tethering, 3G hotspot creation, improved performance and an auto-rotating home screen.
The new version is approximately $579 and is only available in black.The black and red models in Dell’s online store can also now be custom-ordered with a 32GB microSDHC card alongside the 16GB of pre-supplied storage. Adding the extra space boosts the price by $119

Snow Up Your Blog

WordPress has launch an extra feature which is valid till January, the feature is that you can add snow falling to your blog-site which gives an attractive look to your blogs.
§                       Just click Appearance on the left side menus
§                       The click Extras (Depending uppon theame which gives you extra features)
§                       Then click at the radio button which claims (Show Falling Snow On My Blogs)
And Finally You have attractive Blog-site with snowfall
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