

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Enjoy Gaming with Sennheiser PC 350

Sennheiser PC 350
Sennheiser PC 350
The Sennheiser PC 350 is dedicated to the gamers, it is a good gamingheadphone with comfortable ear cans with a adjustable microphone to deliver the rich, immersive sound that a gamer lost in the game while playing. The microphone has the ability of noise cancelling technology from which the microphone did not catch unwanted noise.
The price of  Sennheiser PC 350 is $ 126.18 ( US ). Thw Sennheiser PC 350 are equipped with volume control and microphone mute fuction and a nifty follding mechanism so that you can quickly stash them into your bag for aLAN party. This is the best gaming headphone, user can enjoy a game with its real sound effects very well.
Sennheiser PC 350 folding mechanism

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